Playing Catch Up

It’s been about seven weeks since I last posted! That is too too long. I have been getting acclimated to life back in California. I’ve been to the beach a bunch, working, and spending time with friends. School starts in just two short weeks, so I’m trying to pack in as much fun as I can before then. I’ve still been taking pictures, but not as many as I did while I was in Europe. Here are some snaps of what I’ve been up to.

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This is how Pablo picked me up from the airport

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Pablo and I hiked Mt. Baldy one hot Sunday a couple of weeks ago. It was a challenging hike, and the heat only made it worse, but it was so worth it.

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My best friend, Kylie, left for Italy for the next six months. We hung out as much as possible before she left.

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And we also got a puppy! Meet Soleil, my baby black Lab. She will be twelve weeks old tomorrow. She has been a lot of our excitement recently.

I will try to write more frequently, but as this is my senior year and I am involved in many projects, I cannot promise that I’ll be on here as much as before. Hope you have a good day!